The presence of central lock on a car is very helpful. This allows drivers to lock and unlock the door without having to change positions. However, it will become a problem when the central lock suddenly jammed. Commonly, it happens because the connecting cable broke.
If you meet these conditions, you do not need to panic. There are simple ways to outsmart:
1. Open the door (door trim) first. Loosen and remove bolts central lock motor holder. Then the motor loose from the seat and handlebar lock.
2. Check cable relationship with tester pen, to assure whether the current is still flowing to the motor.
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3. Connect the motor straight to the battery to check if the motor lock function properly. When you hear a normal, meaning there is no problem. Motor does not work perfectly if there is a gear motor drive a worn or broken.
4. See state of good driving gear on the motor and the trunk. If the wear is not severe, stingy gear drive to restore to original form.
5. When the driving gear is badly broken aliases, change gear drive by changing the thickness of rubber. In order not to touch the rod move teeth worn or broken earlier.
6. After that install motor back lock and check that it worked perfectly. Attach the motor lock on the door. Set the motor position until his movement perfectly before tightening the bolt holders.
7. See the condition of relating handlebars, make certain nothing is bent and can work good.
8. Don't forget to reattach the door panel in place.